What are functions?
Within your online academy, you can classify the organisation at Organisation Structure. This allows you to register employees at the right company and the right department. You can also add functions to your online academy to create further stratification.
Adding functions
To add a function, go to your 'Organisation Structure' and then to the 'Functions' tab. Click the '+' button to add a role. Name the role and save the changes using the button at the bottom.
What can I do with functions?
Analysis. Functions are reflected in reports and tables, such as in My Team. This helps with analyzing the usage of the academy.
Assignment. You can assign learning activities to a function. This way, all users with that function are automatically enrolled in the specified learning activities. Additionally, you can assign qualifications to a function to ensure that users in that function obtain the necessary certifications.
Skills: You can assign skills to a function. This way, all users with that function will automatically see the relevant skills in their skills overview.
Users. The Participants tab of a function provides an overview of which users hold that function. You can add users to the role using the '+' button in the top right corner; these must already be existing users. Additionally, you can remove users from the function using the trash can icon. Users can also be added to a function when adding or updating users.