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Organisational structure

Manage the organisational structure of your online academy

Floor Takman avatar
Written by Floor Takman
Updated over a week ago

Easily adjust the organisational structure of your online academy to match the structure of your organisation.

What is the organisational structure?

The organisational structure is intended to classify employees within the company and the department they belong to. Employees can be further classified with teams or groups. In addition, you can specify the existing functions within your organisation here. Learning activities can be assigned to elements of the organisational structure, ensuring that all users within the company, department, team, group, or with a specific function are automatically enrolled in those learning activities.

In addition to organizing your organisation, you can also set up other elements within your online academy that help create structure. For example, you can create and manage themes and qualifications.

We recommend setting up the organisational structure directly during implementation. This way, you can easily add and modify users, keep an overview of learning activities, analyze reports better, and set up the management structure.

What can you configure in the organisational structure?

  • Companies: add one or multiple companies. You can also assign learning activities here. Users within the company will then be automatically enrolled in the respective learning activities. Additionally, under the Participants tab, you can view all users associated with the company. The Managers tab shows all managers who have management rights over the company.

  • Departments: add one or multiple departments for each company. You can also assign learning activities here. Users within the department will then be automatically enrolled in the respective learning activities. Additionally, under the Participants tab, you can view all users associated with the department. The Managers tab shows all managers who have management rights over the department.

  • Teams: add teams that users can be a part of. You can also assign learning activities to teams. Then you can assign users to one or multiple teams, which automatically enrolls them in the linked learning activities. Additionally, under the Participants tab, you can view all users who are part of the team. The Managers tab shows all managers who have management rights over the team.

  • Themes: add themes that you can link to learning activities. Also, set the theme design.

  • Functions: you can create functions and assign learning activities to these functions. Then you can assign users one or multiple functions, which automatically enrolls them in the linked learning activities. Additionally, under the Participants tab, you can view all users who hold the function. Through the Skills tab, you can assign skills to the function.

  • Qualifications: you can create qualifications and link learning activities to these qualifications. Then you can enroll users in one or multiple qualifications. With a qualification, you can determine which learning activities a user must have completed to be qualified and remain qualified (for example, to perform their job).

  • Groups: you can create groups and directly link users, supervisors, and learning activities. This can be useful for temporary training groups.

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