Manual enrollment
You can manually enroll users in a learning activity. This can be done through the user overview and through My Team.
Enrolling via user overview
Navigate to Users via the menu on the left side of the screen. Select the user by clicking on the pencil icon next to their name. Then go to 'Enrollments' and add a new learning activity to the user's account using the plus icon. You can also select multiple learning activities simultaneously.
Enrolling via My Team
Navigate to My Team via the menu on the left side of the screen. Then go to 'Team members' and select the appropriate user. Next, click on 'Learning activities'. Using the 'Add registration' button, you can add new learning activities for this user. You can also select multiple learning activities simultaneously.
Bulk enrollment
If you have multiple users that you want to enroll simultaneously, potentially for multiple learning activities, you can use the import function.
Click on the import icon at the top right of the 'Users' section and follow these steps:
Choose the action you want to perform, in this case, 'Enroll users.'
Select the learning activities for which you want to enroll users. You can search for activities using the search bar.
Download the template generated specifically for you. Fill in the import file with the correct email addresses and mark an 'x' for the learning activities the users should be enrolled in.
Save the file (as an xlsx file) and upload it. The file will be checked for any errors.
Before final import, you will have a final check. It will show you the number of users being enrolled, those who cannot be enrolled, and any potential unimported rules. Satisfied? Choose 'Start import' at the bottom of the screen.
After the import, users will be automatically notified by email about the learning activities they have been enrolled in.
Enrollment via organisational structure
It is also possible to enroll users by linking learning activities to layers within the organisational structure, such as teams, functions, groups, and certifications. This way, all users within a team, group, function, or qualification will be enrolled automatically in the corresponding learning activities.
You can link learning activities and qualifications to a company. All users associated with that company will be automatically enrolled in the corresponding learning activities and/or qualifications. When creating a user, you connect them to a company.
You can link learning activities and qualifications to a department. All users belonging to that department will be automatically enrolled in the relevant learning activities and/or qualifications. When creating a user, you associate them with a department.
You can link learning activities and certifications to a team. When a user is assigned to the team, they will be automatically enrolled in the associated learning activity(ies) and/or certification(s). You can assign users to a team manually or through an import file. Click here to read more about it.
You can link learning activities and qualifications to a function. When you assign this function to a user, they will be automatically enrolled in the corresponding learning activity(ies) and/or qualification(s). You can assign a function to users manually or through an import file. Click here to read more about it.
You can create groups and assign users to them. You can also link learning activities to these groups, and users will be enrolled automatically when added to the group.
Within qualifications, you can include learning activities that help employees qualify for their work. When you assign a qualification to a user, they will be automatically enrolled in the underlying learning activities. You can assign qualifications to users manually or through a qualification inventory.
Qualifications are available from the Growth plan onwards.