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Learn how to add videos to your learning activities

Floor Takman avatar
Written by Floor Takman
Updated today

With videos, you can make your e-learning courses more interactive. It provides users with a nice change of pace to switch between text, video, or even audio. Additionally, some topics are better explained through video than text.

How do I add a video?

You can add a video as a learning format within an e-learning course. You can also add a video as a separate learning activity, specifically as a microlearning. As a microlearning, you can incorporate the video into a Learning Playlist, for example.

Video as a microlearning

  • Navigate to 'Courses' in the menu bar.

  • Click on 'Add'.

  • Select the learning activity type as 'Microlearning' and click on 'Video'.

  • Add the general information. Fill in the title, study time, theme(s), and optionally a description. Then click on 'Create new learning activity'.

    • Title. Give the microlearning a title for easy retrieval in the library.

    • Author.

    • Study time. Provide an estimate of the study time.

    • Themes. Add at least one theme.

    • Description. Add additional information about the learning activity, such as its primary objective.

    • Skills. Add at least one skill and up to five skills.

    • Video details. Type or paste the URL of the video you want to add in the 'Video URL' field.

Video as a learning format within a learning activity

Ensure you are in the appropriate section of the learning activity where you want to add a video link.

  • Choose the learning format 'Video'.

  • Add a title and optionally a description. Based on the title, you can find the video in the Warehouse. You can hide the title from users by clicking on the eye icon next to the title.

  • Select your desired option. Do you want to add the URL of a video hosted on a video platform, or do you want to upload the video directly to the academy?

    • Add a video link. Select the platform where your video is hosted. Type or paste the URL of the video you want to add into the field labeled 'Video-URL'. The video will appear immediately in your learning activity.

    • Upload a video file. Select the video file or drag it to the drag & drop zone. The following video formats are supported: .avi, .mov, .mp4, .mpeg, and .mkv. The video you upload must not be larger than 1GB.

  • Save the learning format. Optionally, add learning objectives and tags before saving.

💡 Tip: Learning objectives and tags

You can add learning objectives and tags to learning formats. Learning objectives are useful for creating exams based on specific objectives. By using tags, you can easily find content in the Warehouse. As you start typing, suggestions will appear for learning objectives and tags you have previously used.

Which videos can I use?

The following video channels are supported in your online academy:

  • YouTube

  • Vimeo

  • Hihaho

  • Ted Talk

⚠️ Note: If you add a video from YouTube, make sure it is set to 'Unlisted' rather than 'Private.' This way, the video cannot be found through the YouTube search bar, but it will be visible in the online academy.

⚠️ Note: When adding a Hihaho video, ensure that the 'Embed' option is enabled. You can configure this in the video settings of Hihaho under the 'Publish' tab.

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