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Adding new users

How to manually or bulk create users in the online academy

Floor Takman avatar
Written by Floor Takman
Updated over 8 months ago

Before you add a user, it's important to have your organisational structure in order. How you fill in your organisational structure can be read here. Once this is done, you can easily create one or multiple users at the same time. Read below to learn how to quickly add an individual user and how to add a large group of users all at once.

Adding an individual user

Here's how you can easily add a new user to your online academy:

  1. Navigating:

    Click on 'Users' in the left menu bar. Then click on the '+' icon in the top right corner. When you hover over it, you will see 'Add user'.

  2. User details: Personal details:

    You will be taken to a screen where you can fill in all the user details. Start with 'Personal details' and enter the employee number, name, email address, and language. Instead of an employee number, you can also use a relationship or customer number. If multiple languages are activated in the online academy, you can also select the user's language here.

  3. User details: Organisation details:

    Next, on the right side, fill in the 'Organisation details". The company and department fields are mandatory to fill in. Therefore, it is important to have the organizational structure in order before adding users.

  4. Team, cost center, and function:

    The team, cost center, and function are optional within the organisation details. By entering a value in the team field, you can automatically assign learning activities associated with a team to the users in that team. The cost center field can be used, for example, to determine where the internal charge should be allocated within the organization. With the function field, you can ensure that learning activities associated with a function are automatically assigned to the user(s) with that function.

  5. Status:

    At the bottom right, you can set the user's 'Status''.

    1. If a user has never used the platform before, never enable the 'Accept terms of use' toggle. The user must read and accept the terms and conditions first. You only enable this toggle if you have potentially deleted a user and added them again.

    2. Set the user to active if you want them to be able to log in. If you want to temporarily deactivate a user, you can do that as well.

    3. You can also indicate whether someone is a manager. This gives the user additional rights.

    4. Finally, enable the 'Send Invitation' toggle so that the user receives an email invitation to set a password.

πŸ’‘β€‹Tip: All users will appear in the user overview. By clicking on the title above a column in the user overview, you can search within that column.

Adding users in bulk

Do you have multiple users that you want to add to your online academy at once? In that case, you can also use the import function. Select the upload icon located at the top right corner of the 'Users' section and follow the following steps:

  1. Choose the action you want to perform, in this case, 'Upload new & updated users'.

  2. Click 'Next' and download the template. This way, you are sure to fill in and upload the correct data.

  3. Fill in all the user data in the template. For data that remains unchanged, you can use the data from the export file you created. Read below for each column what to fill in and whether it is required.

    Note: It is important that Company, Department, and optionally Function already exist in the online academy. These need to be created in the organisational structure before users can be associated with them.

    a. Employee number (required)

    Enter the employee number here.

    b. First name (required)

    Enter the user's first name.

    c. Prefix

    Enter the user's prefix.

    d. Last name (required)

    Enter the user's last name.

    e. Email address (required)

    Enter the user's email address.

    f. Company (required)

    Enter the company name. Make sure the company is already defined in the online academy under 'Organisational structure'. If what is entered in this column does not match what is known in the online academy, this person will not be imported.

    g. Department (required)

    Enter the department. Make sure the department is already defined in the online academy under 'Organisational structure'. If what is entered in this column does not match what is known in the online academy, this person will not be imported.

    h. Function(s)

    Enter the function(s). Make sure the functions are already defined in the online academy under 'Organisational structure'. Users can also be added to multiple functions. Separate these functions with a comma. For example: Function X, Function Y, Function Z.

    i. Cost center

    Enter the cost center where internal billing should go. This is for your own administration only.

    j. Send invitation

    Select the 'x' in the dropdown to indicate that this person should receive an invitation. If you do not want the new users to receive an invitation yet, leave this cell empty. Read here how to send them an invitation later.

    k. Active

    Select the 'x' in the dropdown to indicate that this person should be active in the environment. An active user can log in to the online academy.

    l. Language (required)

    Select the desired language setting for the user in the dropdown. Note that this language must be active in the learning environment. Dutch is the default language setting, and the other languages are not available by default. You can request the addition of languages via

    m. Teams

    Enter the name of the team as defined in 'Organisational structure'. Users can also be added to multiple teams. Separate these teams with a comma. For example: Team X, Team Y, Team Z.

    n. Managers

    Enter the email address of this user's manager. Users can also have multiple managers. Separate the email addresses with a comma.

  4. Save the file and upload it. It is only possible to upload a file in Excel format. The file will be checked for any errors.

  5. Before importing the file for good, you will see a final check. Here you will see how many users will be added and which lines may not be imported. Satisfied? Then choose 'Start import' at the bottom of the screen.

  6. After the import, an email will be automatically sent to the users if you have selected the 'Send invitation' option.

β€‹πŸš¨ Please note: To link a manager to a user, the manager must already be known in the academy (as a user). If this isn't the case yet, you'll need to import the users first. Through a second import process, you can then link managers to the users. This second import process assigns the relevant users a manager and grants these managers management rights over the linked users.

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