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Learn more about giving and receiving feedback via the online academy

Floor Takman avatar
Written by Floor Takman
Updated over 6 months ago

Feedback is an essential part of the performance cycle. Via the online academy, you can give and receive feedback to and from colleagues.

You can provide and receive feedback on a specific skill. In addition, you can also request and give open feedback on a particular topic. Open feedback is requested and received based on the questions set by the person requesting the feedback.

In this article the feedback feature is explained.

Feedback overview

Via 'My growth', you can navigate to 'Feedback'. Here, you will see an overview of your received and your given feedback. In addition, you can view your outgoing and incoming feedback requests. You can also request feedback from this overview.

Requesting feedback

From all pages of the feedback overview, you can always submit a feedback request to a colleague. You can ask for feedback on one or multiple skills, or you can request feedback on a specific topic, based on questions you create yourself. To achieve this, follow these steps:

  • Click the 'New feedback' button at the top right.

  • New Request. Choose 'Feedback on skills' or 'Ask your own questions'..

  • Selection. If you choose 'Feedback on skills’, select the skills on which you would like to receive feedback. You can select a maximum of 10 at once.

  • Selection. If you choose 'Ask your own questions’, add the questions you would like to ask your colleague.

  • Recipients. In the next step, you select the person from whom you want to request feedback. You can select a recipient who has access to the academy. It is also possible to add an external recipient. An external recipient will receive an email with a link to the page where the feedback can be provided. To add an external recipient, enter their email address and then click the checkmark next to the entered information.

  • Overview. In the overview, you see which feedback you are about to request and from whom. If this is correct, you can send your feedback request.

Received feedback

Here, you can find an overview of all your received feedback. The following information can be found in the overview:

  • Click on a line to view the content of the feedback.

    • For feedback on a skill, you will see the assessed level on the skill, along with an explanation from the person who provided the feedback. Feedback on a skill will also appear in the skill overview on the detail page of the specific skill. You will also see your own evaluation of this skill under 'Information about your skill', if you have provided one.

    • For open feedback, you will see the questions you asked, along with the feedback your colleague provided.

    • For both types of feedback, you will see who provided the feedback.

  • Filter in the columns to view feedback from a specific colleague or, for example, feedback on a specific skill.

  • The 'New' and 'Seen' statuses indicate whether you have read the feedback or not.

Given feedback

Here, you can find an overview of all your given feedback. The following information can be found in the overview:

  • Click on a line to view the content of the feedback.

    • For feedback on a skill, you will see your assessed level on the skill, along with an explanation to the person to whom you have provided the feedback.

    • For open feedback, you will see the questions your colleague asked, along with the feedback you have provided.

    • For both types of feedback, you will see to whom you have provided the feedback.

  • Filter in the columns to view feedback to a specific colleague or, for example, feedback on a specific skill.

Feedback requests

Here, you can view both your outgoing and incoming feedback requests. The following information can be found in the overview:

  • Outgoing feedback requests. Click on the line to see the content of the request.

    • For feedback on a skill, you will see which skill you requested feedback on.

    • For open feedback, you will see the questions you have asked.

    • For both types of feedback, you will see to whom you sent the feedback request.

  • Incoming feedback requests. Click on the line to see the content of the request.

    • For feedback on a skill, you will see for which skill feedback is requested on.

    • For open feedback, you will see the questions that have been asked.

    • For both types of feedback, you will see who made the feedback request.

  • Filter the columns, for example, to view requests from/to a specific colleague or on a specific skill.

Providing feedback

In the feedback overview, you can see which feedback requests are pending under 'Requests’. Open an incoming feedback request to provide feedback to your colleague.

Providing feedback on a skill:

  • On the right side of the screen, you will see the recipient of your feedback and a description of the skill you are evaluating. You will also see whether the skill is a focus skill of your colleague and since when.

  • Under 'Your evaluation', you can provide an evaluation of your colleague on this skill. By sliding the arrow across the bar, you can rate your colleague from 'Beginner' to 'Master’.

  • Under 'Explanation', you can further elaborate your feedback. This explanation can optionally be rewritten by our Smart Assistant if desired.

  • Via the button at the bottom right corner of your screen, you can submit your evaluation.

Providing open feedback:

  • On the right side of the screen, you will see the colleague to whom you are providing feedback.

  • Your colleague has added questions on which they would like feedback. You can formulate your feedback for each question. This feedback can optionally be rewritten by our Smart Assistant if desired.

  • Via the button at the bottom right of your screen, you can submit your feedback.

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