What is a deep link?
A deep link is a link that navigates to a specific page instead of the main page. This allows you to direct users to a learning activity or theme within the online academy.
If your online academy uses Single sign-on (SSO), users can log in to the online academy via an external account. We use the SAML protocol to support SSO. In addition to logging in via Single sign-on (SSO), the SAML protocol also allows users to be directly redirected to a specific location within the online academy, namely through a deep link.
How do I create a deep link to a learning activity?
You can create a deep link yourself, so that you can direct users to a single learning activity more specifically.
βHere you'll find an Excel file with two tabs, where you can manually input the correct values. A deep link will be generated directly. Here, you can learn how to obtain the correct values for creating a deep link to a learning activity.
Note: Ensure that in the SSO integration, the 'Login with 'button'' toggle is enabled. If it's not enabled, the deep link won't work.
Here's an example of a deep link to a learning activity:
In the example, you'll see three variables listed in the following order:
integrationId =the specific ID of your SSO integration
courseId = the specific ID of your learning activity
context = user or admin
Below, you'll find instructions on how to access the information
If the SAML integration for your online academy is enabled, you will see a button on the login page with, for example, 'Log in with Microsoft'.
Right-click on 'Log in with Microsoft' and then select 'Copy link.' You now have most of the URL you need. Paste this link into a note, for example, so you can view the URL.
After &courseId=, you'll insert the courseId of the learning activity you want to deep link to. Find the courseId of the relevant learning activity. To do this, open the learning activity using your administrator account. You'll locate the courseId in the URL, as indicated by the selected characters in the image below.
After &context=, you will see the context it refers to: either 'user' or 'admin'.
Note: Make sure that the ID of the learning activity is in the correct place in the link; &courseId=... should be after the integration ID. The link concludes with &context=USER (or ADMIN).
The deep link is now ready to be shared with users!
How do I create a deep link to a theme?
A deep link to a theme is constructed in the same way as a deep link to a learning activity. Instead of the courseId, you will now use the themeId.
Here you'll find an Excel file with two tabs, where you can manually input the correct values. A deep link will be generated directly. Here, you can learn how to obtain the correct values for creating a deep link to a theme.
Here's an example of a deep link to a theme:
In the example, you'll see three variables listed in the following order:
integrationId =the specific ID of your SSO integration
themeId = the specific ID of the theme
context = user or admin
Below, you'll find instructions on how to access the information
If the SAML integration for your online academy is enabled, you will see a button on the login page with, for example, 'Log in with Microsoft'.
Right-click on 'Log in with Microsoft' and then select 'Copy link.' You now have most of the URL you need. Paste this link into a note, for example, so you can view the URL.
After &themeId=, you'll insert the themeId of the theme you want to deep link to. Find the themeId of the relevant theme. To do this, open the theme using your administrator account. You'll locate the themeId in the URL, as indicated by the selected characters in the image below.
After &context=, you will see the context it refers to: either 'user' or 'admin'.
Note: Make sure that the ID of the theme is in the correct place in the link; &themeId=... should be after the integration ID. The link concludes with &context=USER (or ADMIN).
Deep linking to a theme only works if the 'Discover' feature is enabled for the Library.