In the Library (Discover), users can explore learning activities that they find interesting or want to learn more about. Read this article to learn more about what you can do with the Library.
What is a collection?
A collection is a set of learning activities that you make available in the Library for a specific group of users or for everyone. This allows you to tailor the Library's content to different groups of users.
For each learning activity, you can specify whether it is requestable or available to everyone within the collection. If the activity is requestable, the administrator or manager must first approve it before the user can participate.
Learning activities that were previously made available in the Library are included in the collection called the Base collection.
How do I add learning activities to a collection?
To create and edit collections, you need a role with the 'Manage collections' permission.
Create collection
First, create a collection. There are several ways to approach this. You can start with an empty collection and add learning activities to it as needed. It’s also possible to build a collection based on specific themes. Alternatively, you can create a collection that includes all available learning activities from the academy. Learning activities can be added to or removed from any collection you create.
Create an empty collection
By starting with an empty collection, you can manually add all learning activities to the collection yourself.
Go to Courses and navigate to the Collections tab.
In the top right corner, click the Add button.
Click Select and add.
Click Next step.
Give the collection a name and add a description.
Click Next step.
Click Make collection.
Create a collection based on themes
By creating a collection based on themes, all learning activities related to the chosen themes will be included in the collection. You can then edit the collection yourself by adding or removing learning activities as needed.
Go to Courses and navigate to the Collections tab.
In the top right corner, click the Add button.
Click Select themes.
Click Next step.
Give the collection a name and add a description.
Click Next step.
Select the themes.
Click Next step.
In the summary, you’ll see which themes have learning activities that will be added to the collection.
Click Make collection.
Create a collection with all learning activities
Start with a collection that includes all learning activities available in your environment. You can remove any activities from the collection that don’t belong.
Go to Courses and navigate to the Collections tab.
In the top right corner, click the Add button.
Click Select and remove.
Click Next step.
Give the collection a name and add a description.
Click Next step.
In the summary, you’ll see the number and types of learning activities being added to the collection.
Click Make collection.
After creating a collection, you can add learning activities in two ways: directly through the collection itself or via the settings of a learning activity.
Assign collection to users
For each collection, you can specify who the learning activities are available to—either everyone or a specific group of users.
Go to the Collections tab via Courses.
Open the collection you want to make available and go to the Settings tab.
Select 'For everyone' to make the collection available to all users in your academy.
Click the 'Add' button to make the collection available to specific groups of users.
Search for the company, department, team, function, or group you want to make the collection available to. You can add multiple groups here.
Click 'Add' in the bottom right corner.
You will now see which groups the collection will be available to. Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom.
Add learning activities via the collection
Go to the Collections tab via Courses.
Click on the collection to which you want to add learning activities.
Click the Add button in the top right corner
Search for the learning activities you want to add. You can select multiple activities at once.
Click Add in the bottom right corner.
You will now see an overview of the learning activities that will be included in your collection. Click the 'Save Changes' button at the bottom.
Click 'Edit Collection' to set whether the learning activity is requestable or available to everyone.
Select the learning activities for which you want to adjust these settings. Then, click the Make requestable or Make not requestable button at the top.
Finally, click the Save Changes button at the bottom to apply your adjustments.
Add learning activities via the settings of a learning activity
Open the learning activity that you want to add to a collection.
Go to the Settings tab.
In the Collections section, click Add.
Search for the collections you want to add the learning activity to. You can select multiple collections.
Click Add in the bottom right corner.
You will now see which collections your learning activity will be part of. Click the Save Changes button at the bottom.
Select the pencil icon for each collection to require that users request approval before they can start the learning activity.
Don't forget to save these changes by clicking the Save Changes button at the bottom.
Make learning activities requestable
For each learning activity in the collection, you can set whether it is requestable or available to everyone in the collection. If a learning activity is set as requestable, the administrator or manager must approve it before the user can participate. This setting can be managed either from the collection or directly from the specific learning activity.
A user may have access to a learning activity through multiple collections. If the activity is requestable in one collection but freely available in another, the user will have unrestricted access to the activity.
Make a learning activity requestable via the collection
Open the relevant collection.
In the top right corner, click Edit collection.
Select the learning activity you want to make requestable.
Click the pencil icon to enable the request option.
Save the changes.
Make a learning activity requestable via the learning activity
Open the relevant learning activity.
Go to Settings for this learning activity.
Under Collections, click the pencil icon to make the activity requestable.
Save the changes.
Microlearnings and GoodHabitz learning activities cannot be made requestable. They are always freely available to users as long as they are visible in the Library.
What can I do with collections?
With collections, you can make learning activities visible in your users' Library. This allows users to explore topics they find interesting and learn more about them. By giving users a say in what they will learn, they are likely to be more motivated to continue their learning.
Collections enable you to create an offering that is visible to all users in the Library. Additionally, you can assemble an offering that is visible only to a specific group of users.
For example, you can make a basic collection available to all users in your academy. Additionally, you can create a specific selection for certain user groups, such as by department, team, or role. A user from Team A will see the content from the basic collection in the Library, plus the activities made visible for their team in the Library.