When a user is having difficulty or facing an issue in the online academy, it can be helpful to view their screen and assist them. You can do this on both the web and app versions of the online academy, provided you have the appropriate permissions.
Note: any actions you take while logged in as a user will actually be performed under that user's name and are irreversible.
Logging in as a user on the web
Through the user management, you can search for the user you want to log in as. By clicking the key next to the user's name on the right, you will log in as that user. You will now assume the identity of the user within the learning environment. For example, if you complete a chapter of an e-learning course, the progress will be saved in the user's account.
Logging in as a user on the app
If you want to observe a user in the app, it's also possible. First, follow the steps mentioned above. Once you're logged in as the user, click on the user's name in the top right corner of the screen and go to 'My profile'. Here you'll find a QR code that you can scan with your mobile phone to log in as the user in the app.