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Unlocking or sharing activities via LTI 1.2 and LTI 1.3

Floor Takman avatar
Written by Floor Takman
Updated over 2 months ago

You can make learning activities that were made in your online academy available in other online learning systems, through LTI. It is also possible to make learning activities from other online learning systems available in your learning environment.

LTI handles the entire integration process, including user creation, enrollment, and Single Sign-On. It is also possible to transfer the activity progress from your online academy to other online learning systems.

We support the following versions of LTI:

  • LTI 1.2

  • LTI 1.3

What would you like to do?

I want to make learning activities from my online academy available in other online learning systems

Prerequisite: LTI must be enabled in your environment.

LTI 1.2

  • Locate the relevant activity in 'Courses'. The following types of activities can be unlocked:

    • E-learning

    • Microlearning

    • Learning Playlist

  • Look at the settings of the relevant learning activity.

  • Enable the 'Available for LTI' option.

  • You will now see the required credentials for the other system:

    • LTI 1.2 Key

    • LTI 1.2 Secret

    • LTI 1.2 Launch URL

LTI 1.3

To use LTI 1.3, you first need to create this integration in the Integrations section:

  • Go to 'Integrations' in the menu bar.

  • Choose 'LTI 1.3' under ‘Content provider’.

  • Select 'Add new Platform’'

  • Enter the credentials obtained from the other system:

    • Name: You can choose this name yourself

    • Tool deployment ID

    • Access token URL

    • JWKS URL

    • OIDC URL (equivalently, authentication URL)

    • Issuer

    • Tool client ID

  • Set the integration on ‘Activated’ and save.

  • The information listed under 'Details for the other party' can be added to the LTI integration in the other learning system.

To make a training from your online academy available in the external platform via LTI 1.3, follow these steps:

  • Locate the relevant activity in 'Courses'. The following types of activities can be unlocked:

    • E-learning

    • Microlearning

    • Learning Playlist

  • Look at the settings of the relevant learning activity.

  • Enable the 'Available for LTI' option.

  • You will now see the 'LTI 1.3 Resource URL'.

  • You can use this URL in the external system to access the training.

I want to make learning activities that were made in other online learning systems available in my online academy

Prerequisite: LTI must be enabled in your environment.

LTI 1.2

  • When creating a new e-learning activity, select LTI.

  • Enter the details of the learning activity, such as title, duration, and description.

  • In the settings select LTI 1.2, at LTI.

  • Enter the LTI credentials at settings. These credentials need to be requested at the other online learning system. You need at least the following credentials:

    • The Key

    • Secret

    • Launch-URL

    • Resource-link: Enter anything here, this field must not be empty. It doesn’t matter what you enter.

    • Optionally, you can add additional parameters (see Advanced LTI below)

  • Save the changes, and the activity can be used.

LTI 1.3

To use LTI 1.3, you first need to create this integration in the Integrations section:

  • Go to 'Integrations' in the menu bar.

  • Choose 'LTI 1.3' under ‘Content Provider’.

  • Select ‘Add new Tool’.

  • Enter the credentials obtained from the other system:

    • Name: You can choose this name yourself

    • OIDC URL (equivalently, authentication URL)

    • JWKS URL

    • Optionally, Redirect URIs

  • Set the integration on ‘Activated’ and save.

  • The information listed under 'Details for the other party' can be added to the LTI integration in the other learning system.

To make an external training available via LTI 1.3, follow these steps:

  • When creating a new e-learning activity, select LTI.

  • Enter the details of the learning activity, such as title, duration, and description.

  • In the settings select LTI 1.3, under LTI.

    • Select the ‘Tool’, which you have created in the previous steps

    • Fill in the Resource URL

    • Optionally, you can enter additional parameters (see Advanced LTI below)

Please note: To use LTI, the functionality must be enabled in your environment. If you don't see the LTI option in the settings of your learning activity, please contact support to explore the possibilities.

LTI exam

In addition to making an external e-learning available in Rakoo via LTI, it's also possible to add an LTI learning activity as an exam in Rakoo.

  • When creating a new learning activity, choose Exam and then select LTI.

  • Follow the steps outlined above to make an external activity available from within Rakoo.

  • Set a minimum score in the activity settings, which should be between 1 and 100.

  • The result of the learning activity will be displayed in Rakoo as 'failed' or 'passed', as opposed to 'completed' for an e-learning.

Advanced LTI

Additionally, it is important that the other learning platform sends certain credentials along with the LTI. These are necessary to allow the user to successfully access the learning activities. Most LTI integrations have these credentials set correctly, by default. Therefore, you don't need to make any adjustments for systems like Moodle, as the correct credentials are already sent.

Are you using a custom LTI integration? Then, it is important to ensure that the following credentials (parameters) are sent correctly:

  • Email

    LTI Parameter key: lis_person_contact_email_primary

    Required?: Yes

    Used for: Finding an existing user or creating a new user

  • First name

    LTI Parameter key: lis_person_name_given

    Required?: Yes

    Used for: Creating a new user when they do not already exist

  • Last name

    LTI Parameter key: lis_person_name_family

    Required?: Yes

    Used for: Creating a new user when they do not already exist

  • User id

    LTI Parameter key: user_id

    Required?: Yes

    Used for: Creating a new user when they do not already exist. The external ID will be created as the ID in your learning environment.

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